Years ago, I was made aware of "Miracle Mornings" by Hal Elrod and was told that it would be life-changing. Hal is a motivational speaker and like many, has a story of struggle and triumph. He came to the realization that making repeatable, small changes to your daily morning routine can ultimately change the course of your day, your life.
"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development” J.R
At the end of 2014, I finally put it into practice.
And yes, it is a life changer.
And yes, it is challenging.
And yes, it will change your life too.
The focus is a daily routine to cultivate personal growth so you can reach your goals; supercharge your productivity; uphold your intentions and manifest your peace. The specifics (time of day, time allotted and activity) of the Miracle Morning routine is up to you, however the intention is to set aside time to build-upon your physical, spiritual and mental aspects.
What about this rocket-fuel? Let's use a spaceship analogy. A spaceship uses the most of amount of fuel for take-off but afterwards continues with that gathered momentum. We too can benefit by starting off our day with a "bang" and creating that strong momentum for our day-day living.
What is suggested by the 1-hour Miracle Mornings:
20 minutes of movement: To wake-up fully and check-off that physical activity goal. Exercise moves blood, unlocks blocked energy, moves toxins, increases metabolism and alertness. Bonus: exercise increases brain power by up to 20%!
20 minutes of spiritual: Sit quietly with yourself in meditation - this creates an opportunity to learn about yourself in-between thoughts and gain clarity on what you crave to have in your day, in your life. Note: You can swap the meditation for another form of inner exploration, perhaps scribing/journaling or prayer.
20 minutes of mental: Some prefer writing out the day/weeks goals, reading a book on personal development or health or career. Others prefer listening to a personal development you tube video or podcast. Example: Listen to an "Achieve your Goals" podcast by Hal Elrod ( or a Tony Robbins clip on "Building Rapport".
Miracle Mornings can be interchanged to Power Hour as used by Robin Sharma and others. Either way, commit to this intentional personal development habit and live on purpose, with purpose.
To living in health,
Amy de Oliveira, ND
Women's & Family Natural Health Expert