This year, I have had the privilege to attend a February birth (the couple's 1st baby delivered in the hospital) and a March birth (the couple's 3rd baby delivered at home).
Each labour and birth experience were unique, beautiful and natural.
[Note, doulas and/or naturopathic birth doulas do not replace the role of your OBGYN, midwife or your partner - we become an additional professional support system]
According to DONA international (an organization that trains and certifies doula), a doula is now defined as "a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying birth experience possible". (1)
Research show that a birth doula can support women in home or hospital births to...
- less likely to need Pitocin
- less likely to have a cesarean birth
- less likely to use any pain medication
- more likely to rate their childbirth experience positively" (2)
With a passion for prenatal and perinatal health, I have combined my doula training and naturopathic skill set to support patients in a positive pregnancy and birth experience. This was a natural direction for me. With this integration, the expected outcomes are:
- mother and infant health optimized prior to labour
- birth plan discussed and birth scenarios explored
- decrease pain, discomfort, worry, uncertainty
- partner guided to be fully involved (comfort techniques taught)
- positive and comfortable birth experience
- postpartum recovery support (healing, breastfeeding)
To gain an understanding about general visits entitled to the Naturoapthic Birth Services, I invite you to visit the link If any inquiries, connect with Vivo! (519.267.8486) or email myself at [email protected]
To living in health and comfortable birthing,
Dr. Amy de Oliveira, Naturopathic Doctor
Women's & Family Natural Health Expert
(1) (2) DONA International,, found under "what's a doula"